Test your cognitive function now - if it is below par it is very important to test your homcoysteine level either via your GP, or with a home test kit (test your homocysteine level) and act accordingly.
Keep your homocysteine level low, ideally below 7 and certainly below 9, by supplementing homocysteine lowering B vitamins, eating fish, milk and eggs for B12, greens, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds for folic acid, B6 and zinc. If your homocysteine level is high you’ll need take a homocysteine friendly supplement. The evidencefor this preventing both memory-loss and brain shrinkage is very strong.
Take a daily multivitamin and mineral to help keep your homocysteine low, providing, at least, 10mcg of B12, 200mcg of folic acid, 20mg of B6, plus 10mg of zinc.
Up your intake of antioxidants by eating lots of fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices. Go for the strong colours such as blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, cinnamon, kale, mustard, red cabbage, sweet potato, tomatoes and turmeric.
Ensure essential fats by eating oily fish such as salmon, sardines, herrings, kippers, trout and mackerel three times a week. Walnuts, flax and chia seeds are also high in omega 3.
Stay away from sugar and refined foods and limit your intake of carbohydrates. High blood sugar levels damage the brain and body. Eat a low GL (glycemic load) diet.
Stop smoking because this raises homocysteine and the oxidants in cigarettes damage the brain and body.
Limit alcohol and coffee. Coffee, more than tea, raises homocysteine so limit your intake to one a day. Alcohol, in excess, raises homocysteine. Stick to a unit of alcohol a day.
Keep your stress level in check. High stress levels raise homocysteine and cortisol, which damages the brain.
Keep physically, socially and mentally active. Take some exercise every day, preferably outdoors – we need exposure to the sun to make vitamin D. Keep in touch with friends and family. Social interaction keeps you sharp. Keep mentally active by learning new things and challenging your mind. If you don’t use it you lose it.
The Ten Alzheimer's Prevention Steps are adapted from 'The Alzheimer’s Prevention Plan'. All the evidence for these recommendations, and detailed practical advice can be found within this book.
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